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We have a few things to say about prescription savings.
Rule Changes Coming to CMS

Can the new CMS Updates Help Employers with Drug Cost Reporting and Savings?

Many employers self-fund and go at risk for drug costs, and this gives them more control. But for years now, the rising cost of medication has caused employers significant grief. There may finally be some help from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In 2019, the CMS got serious about transparency and introduced a new rule requiring health plans to report the cost of prescription drugs on an annual basis.

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the disconnect between R&D costs and high drug prices

The Disconnection between R&D Costs and High Drug Prices

Whenever Congress or state legislatures start talking about capping high drug costs or other legislative solutions, pharmaceutical companies argue that these laws are counterproductive. They argue that they must charge exorbitant prices for new drugs because it pays for the next class of cures.

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an app for every season? Apps on a cell phone.

An App for Every Season?

This past Sunday was National App day. National App day was created by CJ Thompson – founder of the mobile marketing agency Platinum Edge Media

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What's so special about specialty drugs?

What’s So Special about Specialty Drugs?

What makes a drug fall into the “specialty” drug category is a combination of several factors.  First, they tend to be very expensive. This is because they were recently approved, meaning they are under an active patent with no generic or biosimilar version available.

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Computer screen of analyses

Accelerate Your Pharmacy Savings

Recently, RazorMetrics was brought in to be evaluated on our hard numbers: time to ROI, actual savings, and real prescriber response stats.  When we pulled

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US Capital Building

Inflation Reduction Bill and Its Healthcare Impact

The Inflation Reduction Bill passed the House last November (2021) then it hit the Senate and stalled. After a long pause and some wheeling and dealing, it squeaked by in the Senate on August 7th. Then, it flew back through the House on Friday the 12th and now, will be signed by the President in the coming days. Now that it has passed the legislature, here is what you need to know about how the Inflation Reduction Bill will impact healthcare:

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