We Lower Drug Spend

By changing prescriber behavior within the normal clinic workflow.

The invisible pain point you didn't even know you had.

You’re spending more money on drug benefits than you have to. The good news is that we can quantify the overspend and start recouping those losses within 180 days.

Every year the drug benefits budget increases, making healthcare less affordable. We have a simple solution, and it pays for itself.


Don’t take our word for it, let us prove to you how much is being wasted. We run an analysis using our proprietary Intervention Codex to generate an insights report showing exactly how much money you could be saving each year.

We make the waste visible.

Engaging the Source,
Changing Prescriber Behavior

Our solution reaches out of the data world and into physicians’ offices to change prescribing behavior and stay within the formulary.

Trust is a Bonus

We drive the switch process through the prescriber to boost patients’ confidence. When a patient receives a recommendation from their own physician versus a 3rd party company, they can feel safe with the recommendation and no extra office visit is required.

Intelligent Automation

RazorMetrics’ SaaS-based solution identifies wasteful drug spending and painlessly delivers savings all without disrupting members, employees, their physician or pharmacist. Our solution is scalable up to millions of members and can be configured to support and complement your existing business strategies.

Thousands of Ways to Save

Our team of physicians and pharmacists developed the Intervention Codex. It’s the brain behind the tech and is designed to calculate the best options out of thousands of medications across datasets with millions of data points.

See Savings in 120 Days

We are not tied to enrollment periods or benefits cycles. You can implement RazorMetrics at any time of the year and start seeing savings within 120 days*.

Don't Take Our Word for It,

See What Others Have to Say...

“At Benefitfocus, we are always looking to provide more saving options to our clients. RazorMetrics was the perfect fit. Using a whitelabeled version of their platform, we have created a new revenue stream for us and added an exciting savings opportunity to our clients. They have helped us close net new clients and retained large, existing clients.” –John Thomas, Chief Data Officer

No Disruption for Patients

There is no app to download.
There is no cumbersome sign-up process for members.

Launching is a Breeze

We do the heavy lifting. To get started, we set up a secure data transfer. Once we receive your claims data, the Platform goes to work to pinpoint the waste and savings potential.

You will receive a highly valuable insight report that details your specific excess spend.

Ready to Get Started?

We're Here

To Help You Save

And, we are waiting…
Contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.