

More savings. Less effort.

Get an automated edge on drug spend.

RxEdge™ is an effortless pharmacy cost containment solution you can set and forget, but it never stops working in the background. Our proprietary RazorCodex™ automatically initiates cost-saving opportunities through medication switching, deprescription, deduplication, and more–all while adapting to fit your plan, preferences, and formulary.

Use the workflow to your advantage.

83% of people want prescribers to automatically switch prescriptions to a lower-cost alternative, so we built a physician-focused system to make happier members, prescribers, and plan providers. RxEdge™ conveniently reaches physicians in their normal workflow, skyrocketing response rates and eliminating inefficient member outreach.

Proactive service that’s a cut above

Not only does RxEdge™ learn from every interaction, it anticipates your needs by automatically updating based on drug cost, availability, and policy changes. We provide multichannel delivery options for physician approval; even when you don’t have updated prescriber information, our data enhancement service fills in the blanks.

Hands-free cost containment starts here.

Member claims, formulary information, and supporting data go into RXEdge™.
The RazorCodex™ identifies cost-saving opportunities.
RxEdge™ sends an automated message to alert the prescriber.
Once accepted, RxEdge™ automatically notifies the pharmacy to fill the medication.
RxEdge™ automatically informs the member through RxAdvocate™.
Success! The member saves money, and you cut drug spend up to 10%.


Nearly 20% of adults over 40 take five or more prescriptions monthly, contributing to drug interactions, poor adherence, and unaffordable care. Our patent-pending analysis technology can automatically identify and reduce costs and adverse outcomes associated with polypharmacy.

25-50% of savings come from optimizing polypharmacy.
Doctors lack a complete view of member medications due to fragmented records.
With P&T committee input, we flag deprescription and deduplication opportunities.
Reduce side effects, interactions, and hospitalizations for members.
Improve cost-containment, medication adherence, and member satisfaction.
A win for you–a liferaft for underserved communities like the elderly and chronically ill.

Biosimilar Exchange

Specialty drug costs come with colossal price tags, so finding biosimilar alternatives is key to cost containment and affordability for members. RxEdge™ automatically identifies cost-saving opportunities based on formulary, availability, and prior authorization, finally making the switch from biologics simple.

Doctors don’t know what biosimilars are in stock and available without prior authorization.
We show physicians biosimilar options for the exact diagnosis code and applicable formulary.
Recommendations are optimized by our internal P&T Committee and the latest FDA approvals.
This helps you stay ahead of manufacturers to keep members from product hopping.

Reporting & Analytics

RazorMetrics provides regular client reports with results and metrics for the RxEdge™ and RxAdvocate™ solutions. For multi-client customers like Partners, PBMs, or Health Plans, reports are available at the aggregated and per-client level.

View overall savings for the plan and members.
See your number of polypharmacy members, new deprescriptions, and switch opportunities delivered.
Get insights on prescriber responses and acceptances, as well as medication fills and refills.
Additional bespoke reports are available by request.