RxEdge™ is an effortless pharmacy cost containment solution you can set and forget, but it never stops working in the background. Our proprietary RazorCodex™ automatically initiates cost-saving opportunities through medication switching, deprescription, deduplication, and more–all while adapting to fit your plan, preferences, and formulary.
83% of people want prescribers to automatically switch prescriptions to a lower-cost alternative, so we built a physician-focused system to make happier members, prescribers, and plan providers. RxEdge™ conveniently reaches physicians in their normal workflow, skyrocketing response rates and eliminating inefficient member outreach.
Not only does RxEdge™ learn from every interaction, it anticipates your needs by automatically updating based on drug cost, availability, and policy changes. We provide multichannel delivery options for physician approval; even when you don’t have updated prescriber information, our data enhancement service fills in the blanks.
Learn more about the easiest way to cut drug spend by 10% with a guide you can share with stakeholders in your business.
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